FRIDAYS in St James' Church is Coffee and Chat. At a loose end? Feel like some company? Why not drop in any time between 10.3am and noon. Bring a friend, bring your knitting or just bring yourself! All welcome

Next item concerns this year’s car boots in Welland. As the weather has been so wet this year, there will be no car-boots in May (to give the field a chance to dry out). The dates for this year will be June 22 and 29, July 13 and 20 and August 3, 10,17 and 24. All car boots start at 9am. Costs £5 for cars, £7 for cars with trailers and £10 for vans. Please park sensibly and safely whilst obeying the marshals.

Saturday, April 26 at Welland Parish Hall sees Kids Klobber sale starting 1am and finishes at around 12.30pm. To book a table phone Jo Horrobin on (01684) 310256.

Think about keeping your children safe by giving them a unique password in case they are approached by a stranger.

The next St James Flea Markets will be on May 3, September 6 and December 6 from 9am to 3pmM. Tables cost £15 for the day. To book a table contact Mary Purser on 01684 310289.

Saturday, April 26 sees a Coach trip to Ebbw Vale to see the Tredegar Male Voice Choir in concert with special guest Aled Jones. Pick up at Welland Village Hall at 4.45pm.

Next, I am not sure whether you realise but there is a Whist Drive which takes place every second Tuesday at the Welland Village Hall at 8pm (the next one will be Tuesday, April 29 and then fortnightly). admission costs £1.50 and includes tea/coffee and biscuits. There is a raffle and all are welcome. The members are very friendly and supportive for all levels of play.

MR S TRY 01684 564655