VISITORS are always welcome on the first Monday of the month at Colwall Village Hall. We meet for 7.30pm when there is a talk given by a person well versed in their speciality. Arrive early, meet the members and enjoy a free cup of tea or coffee.

On Monday, May 5 we welcome Leila Jackson an expert grower of Abutilons (mallows). Leila runs and owns a nursery where she grows her Abutilons (and holds a national collection) and Salvias. Also, before this meeting is our Annual Plant Sale.

Come early to make/meet friends and discuss your gardening interests (and challenges). We have many experienced and knowledgeable gardeners who are happy to answer questions. Subscriptions, payable in January, are £12; visitors are charged £4.

At last month’s meeting we had an entertaining and informative talk from Nick Holtby, from Halesowen. Nick’s theme was growing show vegetables; if we all follow his advice we will need a larger venue for our August Summer Show.