THE girls have taken over for the latest production by the ever-popular Malvern Theatre Players.

An all-female cast and crew have been busy rehearsing My Mother Said I Never Should, Charlotte Keatley's acclaimed elegy about the relationships between mothers and their daughters.

Events are played out through four generations of women across the 20th Century, as they grow up, grow old, and grow wise.

Director Jan Greig is sure audiences will be able to relate it to their own lives. "At rehearsal we have all said `I remember my mother saying exactly that to me'," she said.

"It's the kind of play you come away from thinking about, and I think it will touch a lot of people."

But the conversational dialogue ensures things never become too heavy, and keep the action poignant and funny by turn.

"It's just a lovely play. It is full of nostalgia without ever becoming sentimental," Mrs Greig continued.

The four-woman cast of Mandi Harris, Angela Meredith, Alexandria Page and Harriet Walker have been in rehearsals for the last six weeks. They are supported by stage manager Helen Portman, Emma Joyce (sound) and Lesley Taylor (lighting).

Mrs Greig felt an all-female backstage crew would compliment the play's subject matter.

"I just thought it was a good opportunity to have a go," she said. "It's worked well, and we've all been able to discuss the characters and things in the play."

For any men cowering in the corner, Mrs Greig also points out the play is not aimed at a female audience and can be enjoyed by everyone.

It runs at the Coach House Theatre, in Grange Road, from Wednesday, September 6-9, at 7.30pm. Tickets, £8 (concessions £7) from 01684 892277.