LOCAL 'legend' Edwin Hardman and his dog Billy joined the Mayor to switch-on Upton's Christmas tree.

Around 100 people watched the pair light up the tree, which is outside Henry's, in High Street, Upton.

The switch-on happened at 6pm on Friday, November 18, with a choir from Upton Baptist Church singing carols around the tree.

Cllr Tim Dance, the Mayor of Upton, said: "Edwin was there, the legend. He gave me a hand to switch on the lights.

"There were two plugs and we did it jointly. It was a very happy atmosphere with people joining in with carols and quite a few children there.

"There were lots of little LED lights. It went on for about 20 minutes and there were three or four carols."

Cllr Dance praised Upton Business Association, who organised the event.  Crowds watched the ceremony from both sides of High Street.