MALVERN's newest venue for the performing arts has opened its doors.

The Space, at Spring Lane South, has been created by arts charity Amaka Beautiful Child, set up by Malvern-based singer-songwriter Ben Okafor.

Until now, Mr Okafor and his team have taken their work out to schools and community projects in Malvern and beyond, but they have wanted for some time to have a base for the charity, where they can work all year round.

Explaining the name, chair of trustees Alison Webster said : "We all need space: space to think, space to talk, to share our views and thoughts with others and most of all space to be creative.

"We don’t get enough of that in the non-stop bustle that life has become, and that especially includes our young people. We’d been referring to the venue informally as 'the Space' and then it struck us how appropriate it actually was.”

The Space has been designed for flexible use, including dance, music and theatre performances. There is a large rehearsal space, an office/meeting room and informal .

As well as engaging with local groups who need a space for their arts-based work, Amaka Beautiful Child plans to run a programme of regular arts workshops, performances, open mike nights and story-telling events for all ages. Although much of its work is with and for young people, a key aim of the Space is to bring together all generations to share stories, ideas and arts.

In addition, and as a measure of his commitment to this project, Mr Okafor has installed his own fully professional recording studio at the Space. The charity is already making the recording studio available to local musicians, bands and community groups who would not otherwise have the opportunity to record their creative ideas at all, let alone in a professional studio.

Amaka Beautiful Child is keen to hear from businesses, organisations and individuals who are interested in learning more about and engaging with its work.

For more information, visit or contact ABC on or 01684 577166.