BACKERS of the scheme to build a cable car on Malvern Hills have created a new "social enterprise" company to carry the project forward.

And they say they are eager to meet Malvern Hills Conservators, which says the idea is impossible, to hold talks on finding a way forward.

The new company, Malvern For All, is taking over the cable car project from High Street Malvern, which has been promoting it until now.

It is affiliated to Social Enterprise UK, which defines a social enterprise as a business that trades to tackle social problems, and improve communities, people’s life chances, or the environment.

Social enterprises make their money from selling goods and services in the open market, but they reinvest their profits back into the business or into the local community.

In a statement issued this week, Malvern For All said: "Malvern has many volunteer based groups who organise fantastic events – but all are finding it difficult to obtain the funding to give them that little bit extra and invest in, for example, more extensive marketing.

"A social enterprise company would be able to trade in the normal way but invest the profit into the community. We think that the cable car project would fit into this pattern and allow Malvern to achieve its full potential.

"The profit element of the project is uncertain at this time and the amount of money available will be small compared to the need but it should start to make a difference."

Malvern Hills Conservators say it is impossible for consent to be given for the project, under the acts of parliament that govern the hills.

However, the backers say they have taken legal advice and believe the Conservators' position is incorrect.

Conservators chairman Helen Stace said: "The basic fact is that is that what they want to do is not legal, however nice they make it look.

"We are happy to meet them and hope to meet them in the next week or two, but that doesn't alter the fact that the acts of Parliament don't allow buildings to be constructed or overhead cables to be strung on the hills."