LEIGH & Bransford Badgers Athletic u10s team coach and headteacher, Stuart Bill, visited Tanga in Northern Tanzania, Africa, as part of a twinning scheme between his school, Leigh and Bransford Primary and Tanzanian school, Majengo Primary.

When club senior coach Bosko Medakovic heard about the intended trip, some surplus club kit was quickly found so that Bill could take it out to Tanzania with him for distribution to the local children.

Bill said: “In sharp contrast to my school, the Tanzanian School has 1,200 pupils, 200 of which are orphans, and it offers very basic accommodation with very few resources.

“The pupils of Majengo were delighted to receive the kit donated by the Badgers and wore it with pride during two football practice sessions I delivered. They really enjoyed the coaching and demonstrated some good skills as well as a highly competitive streak.”