THE Worcestershire Golf Club’s EW Evans Centenary Trophy has started.

With three Stableford competitions, the winner is the first player to score 100 points over three rounds.

The first round produced some good scores and one outstanding effort.

Andrew Colston used his 27 handicap to the full by scoring 46 Stableford points in Division Three.

Another round like that will take him a step closer to the trophy although he will find 46 points harder to achieve off his new handicap of 23.

The pick of the best scores came in Division One where Neil Allies (five) scored an impressive 41 points.

Ross Golf Club’s season has got into full swing with ‘B’ team skipper Terry Jarrett entertaining a side from Droit-wich Spa. Jarrett and Geoff Robinson halved in the opening fourball.

Richard Kirk and Geoff Thomas secured a half-point, while Dave Ruff and Danny Gear won 6-5.

However, the Droitwich team hit back and Ross needed Joe Irvine and Derk Hale to secure the draw.

Seniors captain Patrick Curtis and his team returned from Worcester with a 4-3 victory.