A PAIR of penguin chicks have emerged from their nests and are beginning to explore their new home at West Midland Safari Park.

The two fluffy Humboldt chicks, named Hotdog and Haggis, hatched in the park's Penguin Cove last month, bringing the colony up to 21 members.

Head keeper of the Discovery Trail, Amy Sewell, said: "We have a colony of 19 adult Humboldt penguins at West Midland Safari Park, which are involved in a European Breeding Programme.

"These penguins are vulnerable in the wild, with numbers as low as 12,000 – just 4,000 breeding pairs.

Kidderminster Shuttle:

“With these numbers in mind, we were very excited that on May 1, first time parents Elder and Elm successfully had their first chick.

"Both parents are doing really well and share care of little Hotdog. Hotdog is already starting to leave the nest, so guests might be lucky enough to see him or her when they visit Penguin Cove.”

Two weeks later, another penguin couple, Juniper and Ash, became parents to Haggis.

Amy added: "Haggis is remaining in the nest for now, but both chicks are doing really well and this breeding effort will go towards safeguarding the future survival of the Humboldt penguin."

Kidderminster Shuttle:

In the wild, Humboldt penguins inhabit the coasts of Peru and Chile and dig burrows into the sand or find small caves and crevices to lay their eggs. They also use their droppings to make nests.

Wild Humboldt penguin numbers are declining due to overfishing of the penguins’ prey, risk of being caught in fishing nets, severe weather and climate change, plus historical decline from humans harvesting guano and their eggs.

The penguins first arrived at the park in 2012, from zoos in the UK and Germany.

For more information and tickets, visit wmsp.co.uk or call 01299 402114.