FESTIVAL Housing is taking part in a national initiative to help more people in Malvern become computer literate.

The housing association will be offering free computer training during Get Online Week, which runs from Monday (October 31) until Friday, November 4.

Drop-in sessions will be taking place at Festival’s offices in Malvern Link and are open to all local people. They are designed to make accessing the internet as easy as possible for everyone.

Les Milton, Festival’s computer trainer, said: “Get Online Week was very successful last year with over 300 people registering for their free internet training. We would like to see that many people again if not more come along and have a go, especially anyone who is a bit apprehensive about the internet and hasn’t tried it before.”

One resident who found last year’s training useful is Valerie Coomber, of Sling Lane. She said: “Since taking part in Get Online Week I have gone from being very worried about using the internet to making it part of my daily life. I now use it to find information, keep in touch with family and friend and even dabble in a bit of shopping which was something I was nervous about to start with.”

Festival Housing is one of the government’s official UK Online Centres. To find out more about the drop-in sessions call Mr Milton on 01684 579520.