STAFF at Upton Library are doing all they can to ensure the facility survives county council spending cuts.

Worcestershire County Council has to make savings of up to £70 million over the next four years and is looking to cut £1.8 million - 28 per cent - from its annual libraries spend.

A recent review of facilities has listed two possible outcomes for Upton Library - being run wholly or partly by the community alongside other services, or being replaced by mobile services, collection points and greater use of online technology.

Upton Library manager Jo Portman feels it is vital that a library is retained in Upton, and believes community partnerships could present a valid and successful route forward.

“At the moment I am compiling a community profile of what is happening in the area, to see if there partnership opportunities that could take place,” she said. “I’m looking to see what opportunities there are for co-location or bringing partnership opportunities in.”

She continued: “With all the things that are going on across all public services we knew that libraries were going to have to face some funding constraints. We are looking to be pro-active and see how we can address it.

“I genuinely believe that community partnership might be a solution that fits for Upton. We are already quite a community hub anyway, and if we were to go down that route then while we would undoubtedly see some change, it might not necessarily be a bad thing.”

The county council is currently consulting on its library review, and is encouraging communities to come forward with solutions and opportunities for their libraries.

In the meantime Mrs Portman is urging anyone who wants to support Upton Library and is not already a member to sign up.

“We already have a lot of support but the more people use the library the better chance we stand,” she said.