A COMMUNITY group has formally contacted Worcestershire County Council stating its desire to take over the town’s youth centre.

The council is currently considering options for the future of the site, in Albert Road North.

According to the ‘Malvern Community Collective’, these are selling the site and making no alternate provision for youth, selling and providing accommodation elsewhere, and selling the majority of the site but retaining a small area and giving neighbouring South Worcestershire College funds to build a new facility.

Collective member Ginny Lee this week wrote to cabinet member Liz Eyre requesting that two further options for the site be considered.

These are handing control of the centre over to the Collective, who would run it as a charitable community organisation, or delaying a decision until the Government’s forthcoming Localism Bill is passed and policies on post-14 education and approach to ‘NEETS’ (not in education, employment or training) become clearer.

“We believe all these Government initiatives will dramatically change the strategic context for the future of the Malvern Youth Centre and the neighbouring South Worcestershire College,” she said.

Coun Eyre said: “A number of feasibility discussions have taken place - no decision has come forward for council or cabinet consideration yet.”