A 2,200 name petition calling for on street parking to be retained in Newtown Road will be formally handed over to Worcestershire County Council tomorrow (Thursday).

The authority is currently considering changes to the road due to the increase in traffic from the growing Malvern Vale development at North Site.

Early indications were that these changes could include more double yellow lines, reducing on street parking in the busy shopping road.

This caused alarm among traders, who say the readily available parking is vital for the street and that businesses would suffer or even be forced to close if it is lost.

Traders launched a petition in response to this threat, and this will be presented to the county council during its meeting tomorrow by Malvern Town Councillor Brian Regimbeau.

Ward member Coun Beverley Nielsen has recently held talks with highways officers, and reported that extra double yellow lines no longer seem to be on the cards. Instead the changes will likely involve widening the pavement near the top of the road and installing an “uncontrolled” crossing.

Sue Smith, of Aspect Design said: “It seems as though we have been listened to, but we thought it would be a good move to get the petition in to the council before the start of the formal consultation.

“I think the petition shows the extent of support for what we are saying. It is not just a few shopkeepers, an awful lot of people want their street to survive.”