PUPILS at Great Malvern Primary School entertained parents with songs, stories and dances from Tudor times lastweek.

Tudor Times was a performance by the school’s Year 3 and 4 children and was the culmination of their topic work on the subject.

The children have been learning about the lives of the rich and the poor during this period and according to teacher Sheila Marshall they have “absolutely loved it.”

“The topic came to life for the children with a visit to the Commandery in Worcester which they really enjoyed,” added Mrs Marshall.

The Commandery also loaned the school Tudor costumes and the children dressed up for the performance. Seventy six children were involved with every child having something to say.

The traditional Tudor songs, stories and dances entertained and informed parents.

The children put together their performance Tudor Times with the help of their teachers Jane Lloyd, Jennifer Robinson, Rachel Thompson, Sheila Marshall and Claire Phelps.