A SPATE of vandalism at a Malvern methodist church has been blamed on gangs of hooded youths.

Windows have been smashed, drains have been ripped down and the roof has been damaged at Somers Park Avenue Methodist Church.

The latest incident, which took place between the evening of Friday, April 17 and the morning of Saturday, April 18, caused more than £500 worth of damage said the church’s property steward Dennis Cottrell.

He said: “If you go around there most evenings you see a gang of about 20 youngsters hanging around there.

“The problem we have experienced with these young people has been going on for a number of years with windows being broken many times.”

In an earlier incident, on March 21, more windows were smashed.

Local policing officer for the Dysons ward, PC Danian (correct) Lowe, has been in the post for almost three weeks.

Since being made aware of the problem at the church he has visited the building and sought contact with Mr Cottrell.

He said: “I left my details on Mr Cottrell’s voice mail and will be making a personal visit to him.

“I went to speak to the people who use the church, such as a pre-school during the day.

“Ultimately I would encourage anyone who sees anti-social behaviour to call the police. We can potentially forward their details to the anti-social behaviour unit in Worcester. With any criminal offences, if they can be substantiated or proven, positive action can be taken.”

Cllr Serena Croad, who represents the Dyson Perrins ward on Malvern Hills District Council, said the church grounds were frequently used by younger children to play football and as a meeting place by groups of older youths.

“It is very unfortunate that this damage has taken place,” she said. “The church wants people to feel welcome to use its grounds but perhaps this last act of vandalism is the final straw and the church now has to say the land is private.

“Until there are signs up saying it is private property then I feel that, unfortunately, we are going to get this.”