THE Brownies took advantage of a break in the rain to take part in a scavenger hunt on the village field.

They looked for a variety of objects in their six groups, and they found them all very quickly. They then painted the clay pots they had made two weeks previously. They were on ancient Greek styles and many had a 2012 Olympics theme or decoration.

At their meeting on Sunday, Bridge Builders thought about our Queen and everything she does for us. They managed to come up with 60 positive thoughts about the Queen, to represent one for each year of her reign.

Longdon Women’s Fellowship meets at Longdon Village Hall on Wednesday beginning at 7.30pm. Dr Gillian White will be speaking on the life of Mary, Queen of Scots. This is an open meeting when it is hoped many friends from Tewkesbury Methodist Wives, Corse Lawn Women’s Group and Redmarley Women’s Fellowship will be joining them.

Longdon members are asked to bring a contribution to the refreshments and also any plants, cakes, books or other items which might sell on the bring and buy stall. Also, anyone who is able to help on the stalls would be very welcome and, if you can, please arrive early.

If you live in the Longdon Benefice, please don’t forget the invitation to the Big Lunch at the Old School House on Sunday June 3. This will be preceded by a Benefice service of celebration for our Queen in St Mary’s Church, beginning at 11am. Please ring 833152 for further details.