THE article concerning space on the Malvern Hills intimates that there is plenty of room for everyone.

I am sure many would agree whole heartedly about this.

However, is the lack of space, in that extra tourists were to be discouraged, not the argument against rebuilding the café on the Beacon?

I am aware that it is a bit of an old chestnut, but the popularity of the St Ann’s Well that has been made clear in the past months would add to the idea.

I am positive there is still much support for a Beacon café – so much so that resulting business generated would mean that it would pay for itself within quite a short time.

Additionally and importantly, I am sure it would encourage more people to climb the Hills, which can only be good for the community, surely?

I suspect that the climb would offset several ice creams.

Even a shack-type establishment such as that opposite the British Camp car park would be better than the gap, I believe.

Simon Vaughan-Spencer