DAVE Goldsbrough raises good questions about the Biblical God and evolution, so let me give my take on the issues.

My human experience provides evidence that something must come from something, that is, an effect or outcome has a cause or an income.

Therefore evolution was caused, and the nature of the outcome, particularly human consciousness, suggests to me this outcome is driven by purposeful causation.

Human personal relationship requires a degree of freedom from the cause, and the mechanism of evolution cleverly provides this freedom with its selfmaking mechanism.

In other words, we are not predetermined like robots, but can look the cause of us in the eye and therefore seek fulfilling personal relationship and so both parties become beneficiaries.

This is why Christians talk about “being made in the image of God”.

This is a very powerful form of creation and power comes from power.

In view of this it makes perfect sense for the churches today to study Darwinian evolution.

Unwarranted misery and pain are an inevitable outcome but the resulting causal support and human relationships are there to mitigate through love, care, compassion and justice the negative outcomes.

I am glad that Dave Goldsbrough, by asking penetrating questions, seems to be on the way to the big picture of life.
