THOSE of you who have been to the playing fields recently will have seen that the work scheduled by the Parish Council has now been completed. The area at the top has now been levelled and seeded in preparation for use by the school and local children next year. It’s looking good, with the grass already growing well - and is surrounded by orange netting/fencing to keep at bay anyone tempted to try it out!

I haven’t mentioned it for a while, but may I just give a quick reminder that one of your Parish Councillors will be holding a Parish Council surgery at the Regents Coffee Shop on Westminster Bank between 10am and 12pm on Saturday, October 29 (a regular event on the last Saturday of the month). If you have any village/parish matters you would like to raise, this is the time and place to do so.

Looking a little further ahead to Sunday, November 13; Remembrance Sunday, the service will be held at 10.30am in St James’s Church. As this year is the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Legion movement, the service will be followed by cake and wine in church, and then a lunch at 12.30pm at the Royal British Legion Club in Lower Road. All are welcome, but if you would like further information please ring Richard Hammond - 07432386378 I haven’t yet counted the weeks till Christmas, but now seems to be the time when plans for festive events begin; and in the village thoughts are now turning to the West Malvern Village Hall Christmas Market, which will be held on Saturday, December 3. Anyone who would like a table to sell their Christmas goodies, or, those willing to donate their time and assistance, tombola prizes, cakes, unwanted gifts etc should contact Chan on 568474 or Ann on 568214.