MALVERN Green WI held its Annual Meeting on the morning of Tuesday, October 11 when most members and one visitor attended. After welcome refreshments and a chance to catch up with news, the Annual Meeting began with a discussion on the agenda as to whether in future years the Annual Meeting should be held in May when the resolutions are discussed. A vote was taken and carried.

Attention was drawn to the Worcestershire Federation Accounts on the notice board. Pat Deacon then read her Treasurer's Report and explained the accounts in detail. It was good to hear that our finances are satisfactory.

President Mary Wilkinson gave a short report on our WI and thanked the committee and members for their support. The committee for the coming year was then elected. Mary was asked to continue for another period of office as President, and Secretary Nina Shaw thanked her on behalf of everyone for her hard work and enthusiasm.

There was still time for anyone who had been absent to sign the petition to save public libraries from closures and cuts. The idea of a reading group to be called Book Corner and held monthly at Great Malvern Library was well received.

The dates for diaries were given out, the first being lunch at the Abbey Hotel on October 18, giving members the chance to meet outside of meetings. Members discussed arrangements for the WI Christmas Party when guests will be invited from fellow WIs. Plans are under way for the Christmas meal on December 6. Members will be taking part in the Group Carol Service at Holy Trinity Church on December 3.

The speaker this month was Mrs Angela Hugman who is a physiotherapist. Starting with feet she gave clear and useful advice on how to take care of our bodies, demonstrating various simple exercises to do while sitting in a chair, as well as techniques for helping to keep ourselves healthy and young. Angela also demonstrated that she had a sense of humour. I think it will be some time before members stop chuckling about her description of preparations for having a mammogram. Bridget Ripper gave the vote of thanks which was warmly echoed by members.

Next month the speaker will be Dorothy Norman on Music and Me. Members meet at the Bowling Green, Malvern Link from 10.30am to 12.30pm on the second Tuesday of the month and visitors are always welcome.