AT the meeting on Thursday, February 10, the President welcomed everyone and expressed the hope that the three visitors would enjoy the afternoon and come again.

The business was smoothly conducted, including informing members of several invitations that had been received for them to visit various local meetings and functions.

Sue White, the WI Regional Adviser-in-training was present. In addressing the meeting, she expressed pleasure at the opportunity to meet and get to know another WI group in her area.

The speaker, Cynthia Baron, was introduced. Her subject The Ups and Downs of Life was an amusing, and at times poignant, look at life experiences from the point of view of a small child through to mature age. Mrs Baron used particularly appropriate poems and expressive readings which produced much laughter and thought provoking entertainment. She was thanked by Doreen Small for her most interesting talk.

The raffle and delicious tea completed a very pleasant afternoon. The next meeting will be held on Thursday, March 10 at 2.30pm. Visitors are cordially invited.