THE second meeting of the year saw over ninety members and friends attend a talk at Christ Church on Beekeeping by Trevor Smart, Chairman of the Malvern and Upton Beekeepers Association.

February is an appropriate time of year for discussing bees as the warm[er] weather is encouraging them to start foraging for pollen. The local Beekeeping Society is very active and participates in a number of local shows including the Alfrick Show in September each year. About thirty enquiries are received each year by people wishing to find out more about bee keeping and the Association offers training and advice on how to start. The number of approaches from interested people has increased substantially over the past two years since the Government initiative to fund research into the reasons for the decline in bee numbers. Thirty per cent of our diet depends on pollination by bees and it is a high priority to find out why there is such a decline.

Trevor gave a short introduction to the other similar insects - wasps and hornets, for example, and explained that they all have an important role to play in eating pests and maintaining a balanced environment and also that they are all harmless unless disturbed.

If you are interested in finding out more about bee keeping, the web site is If you have a swarm in your garden, then contact a local beekeeper. If you live near Malvern, the contact is either by emailing or telephone Geoff on 01386 710375 or Trevor on 01886 821661.

The next meeting of the Society is on Friday, March 11 at 7.30pm at Christ Church, Avenue Road, when Ray Sturdy will be talking about Pinholes and Pixels. All are welcome. More information about the Society Programme can be found on