THE February meeting got off to a great start. President Diane Symonds gave an update on the many and varied activities going on at the WI. On January 15 WI member Joanna Bowles opened her splendid gardens at Blackmore Park so that members could enjoy the Hellebores and the woodland walk. Some members had donated food and hot soup, bread, cakes and drinks were enjoyed by the many members who turned up to support this wonderful morning. A total of £426 was raised for the Worcester Breast Care Unit which so far means that the members of the WI have raised a total of £880. I'm sure everyone will agree that this is a magnificent fund raising effort and members haven't finished yet. They aim to make it £1,000. Many thanks to everyone who has helped with the fund-raising.

Please note: Since we have to share the care park with the Bridge Club and parking spaces are limited members were asked to park sensitively. If you would like a lift or want to car share just speak to one of the committee.On Saturday, February 26 the WI is having a craft stall at the village market to promote the WI. There will be displays of members work and demonstrations for some of the crafts so if you would like to learn something new why not come and see us.

The speaker on the night was John Clews of the RSPB. He gave an excellent slide show and presentation talking about the wonderful work of the RSPB. It was originally called the Plume and Feather Club and they campaigned to stop the plumage trade. In 1904 it became the RSPB. He told members of the decline in garden birds and what they can do to help them survive and how to attract them into the garden. He spoke about the changes in farming techniques and how over time it had a detrimental effect on the bird population and how they are working with the farmers to redress the balance. It has to be said that John was very impressed by the members knowledge of the birds in his slide show. It was a very informative presentation and enjoyed by all.

Members look forward to their 90th birthday party on Thursday, February 17 when members and some guests will enjoy  a 1920 style celebration, with supper and some excellent entertainment.

Hanley castle WI meets on the second Thursday of every month in the village hall at Hanley Swan. Starting at 7.30pm why not come along new members and guests are always welcome.