THE record of the churches in Malvern for cooperation is a good one, and I had the happy experience of serving for some six years on the Executive of Churches Together in Malvern. So I was glad when Pope Benedict recently set up a new facility, known as the Ordinariate, within the Catholic Church, following a long series of talks between some Anglican bishops and the Vatican. A word of explanation might not be out of place. The arrangement affords Anglican priests and laypeople who may want it, a way to enter into fuller communion with the Catholic Church, while retaining what the Pope has called the rich traditions of the Church of England they are used to, such as prayers and ritual. They will have their own bishop, a sort of flying bishop, as their diocesan bishop or Ordinary, who will act in collaboration with the existing Catholic bishop.

While this is being set up, Catholic parishes have been invited to welcome those, not expected to be many at present, who take up this invitation, and to help with any necessary practical facilities for the time being. In this wintry season – “just the worst time of the year for a journey – and such a long journey” – we would not want it said that there is no room at the inn.