JANET Bolton proved to be a popular speaker at the June meeting of Worcester Embroiderers' Guild when she discussed Making Pictures with Fabric - a Personal Approach.

Janet was born in Lancashire, within sight and sound of the cotton mills, and was brought up to have a love and knowledge of textiles. She was a country child, and draws on her memories, imagination and observations in her work. Janet has an Arts College background, but she now employs stitch as a drawn line, preferring to create her pieces through hand stitching. She has worked her way down from quilt-sized pieces, initially made to cut out draughts in an Edwardian house, to the much smaller pieces she now produces. Working directly with the fabrics she is going to use, adding found objects such as porcupine quills, and incorporating her interest in folk art, she creates delightful moments in time. Janet brought a selection of her pictures for us to see, and her appreciative audience enjoyed being able to admire them at close quarters.

The next meeting of the Embroiderers' Guild will be on Tuesday, September 7 (no meeting in August), when the guest speaker will be Sheilah Daughtree: Researching 18th Century Textiles. Meetings are held at The Friends' Meeting House, Sansome Place, Worcester. We welcome visitors and new members - for further information please contact Jacky Shail, telephone 01684 311722. WENDY STIFF.