A TOWN charity is aiming to raise £6,000 to help run a new initiative.

SKY Autism Support Malvern’s new buddy scheme has been looking for people who can meet with an autistic adult to help support them.

The next stage of recruitment for the charity’s volunteering scheme, which bids to secure 15 newcomers, is the fundraiser via a crowdfunding page.

The charity’s Kate Matharu said: “The amount of money we raise will be matched by the local council which is a great incentive to reach our target!

“So this is a dual call to help support with a donation as well as to continue to recruit volunteers who would like to support an autistic adult.”

The page for the scheme, which covers Malvern and the surrounding area, can be found at www.spacehive.com/skyautismbuddies

Volunteers are still needed who can offer a couple of hours a week to meet for a coffee, lunch or a walk with an autistic adult to help support, guide, mentor and build a friendship with them.

Training will be provided as well as DBS checks and meet-ups with fellow volunteers.

Expenses are covered with the charity which is based in Alexandra Road.

Sky Autism Support Malvern has contact with more than 180 families with a child on the spectrum in and around the town.

The scheme aims to build confidence, connection, resilience and hope.

The charity welcomes pledges of funds needed to establish, train and support its volunteer network, time from people who want to become buddies and the gift of opportunities and activities for buddy pairs to enjoy.

For more details on the scheme and to get involved, email kate@skyautismsupport.com.