A COMMUNITY theatre group are welcoming people who may want to get involved in their next production.

Powick Players are in the process of starting to plan for their 2025 pantomime Beauty and the Beast.

They welcome anyone who is interested in taking part, whether that is being on stage performing or helping back stage managing props, assisting with make-up or sorting out costumes.

For anyone who might be interested there is a meet the show night on Tuesday, June 4 at Powick Village Hall at 7.30pm for anyone interested in finding out what is in store.

One of the directors Jake Heaton, who will be assisting Christine King, said: “Powick Players is a fantastic society to be with.

“If you thought the last pantomime was good this is going to be even more magical.”

It is planned for Tuesday, February 18 until Saturday, February 22 next year at Worcester’s Nunnery Wood High School’s Studio Theatre. Ticket prices will be £12 for adults and £8 for under 18s.

For more information on joining Powick Players, message on Facebook at Powick Players, Instagram at 1powickplayers or email jake.heaton@powickplayers.co.uk.

The group’s website is at powickplayers.co.uk.

Earlier this year the group’s pantomime production helped raise more than £2,000 for charity.

A magical carpet ride saw six sell-out shows of Aladdin at Nunnery Wood High.

The performances created 1,680 smiling faces and over £2,000 for Worcester’s St Richard’s Hospice.