WHEN you think of your favourite milkshake, what flavour comes to mind?

Well, whatever flavour you think—classic or unique—I doubt you would say a concoction of peas, pickled onions, marmite, and garlic.

I can imagine many arguing that a creamy mixture of food like that should be illegal.

But behold, Shakeaway in Worcester is selling The Wicked Wendy, which has been labelled The Worst Milkskake in the World.

So, I decided to brave the shake and try the worst milkshake in the world.

Oh, and how I wish I didn't.

The milkshake consists of blended peas, pickled onion, marmite, and garlic in a creamy mixture, finished with a swirl of whipped cream. 

And it is all yours for £5.99.

I went into the store on Pump Street and gave my order to the waitress, who seemed extremely surprised by the drink I ordered. 

"Are you sure?" she said.

I have never placed an order before and then proceeded to be asked if I was sure about it.

This should have been the first red flag.

The second was the milkshake's mustard yellow colour, which had small green lumps in it.

Malvern Gazette: Shakeaway's Wicked Wendy.Shakeaway's Wicked Wendy. (Image: Newsquest)I gave the drink a small sip and nearly painted the milkshake counter yellow and green.

My instant bodily impulse was to spit it out, but when you're in public with other customers inside, it is not really the done thing.

It was sickening and I still felt queasy an hour after my sip.

The sour taste of the pickled onion and marmite lingered in my mouth for hours later.

But this is still not as bad as the smell, which appears to nestle into the fibres of your clothes and hangs onto your nostril hairs long after your first brave mouthful of the drink. 

Even if I were left abandoned in the Sahara desert with just one Wicked Wendy, I would rather die of thirst than retry this stomach-curdling drink.

"It can't be that bad," you may say after reading this. 

If you don't believe me, I dare you try this wicked shake.

Just don't say I didn't warn you.