A SPECIAL memorial gathering was held on the bridge at Upton to mark the 20th birthday of Christopher McCabe who died in the river there.

His friends and relatives thanked everyone who tied a ribbon to Upton bridge on Saturday.

Christopher, who was known as Christie, was remembered with purple ribbons – his favourite colour – being tied to the bridge railings. 

Susan Bramble, his auntie, said: “I’d like to say a huge thank you to everybody that came and tied a ribbon on to Upton Bridge to raise mental health awareness on Saturday in honour of what should have been Christie’s 20th birthday.

“The support was so overwhelming and the bridge looked beautiful over the weekend.

“You’re all amazing - our Upton residents and those who came from further to contribute, so thank you.

“The ribbons have been taken down now in case of any issues with them blowing off into traffic or the river or with the council. But they looked beautiful.”  

A fundraiser was started shortly after Christie’s death to help to pay for his funeral. The community joined together to raise an incredible £4,000 to support his family who would like to say a heartfelt thank you to those who contributed. 

Friends say he was an incredibly intelligent, kind and caring young man with so much love to give who always put the needs of everybody else before himself, especially his family.

His auntie said: “We were blown away by the support, we really did turn the bridge purple.

Christie always had a place in his heart for everyone in Upton, and we as a family experienced first-hand the love he gave so much. Please never feel alone, there is always someone who is there to talk to and kindness really can change lives. Thank you again, Upton, we did it.”