A SERIES of free concerts in Malvern is up and running.

Malvern Town Council’s annual ‘Music in the Park’ programme has started and includes everything from light rock and blues to folk and jazz.

These concerts, in Priory Park, Great Malvern, are free and usually take place every Sunday from 2pm until 4.30pm.

People are encouraged to take along deckchairs or a blanket, and perhaps a picnic to make their afternoon as enjoyable as possible as they relax in the beautiful surroundings of the park.

Following feedback from concert-goers requesting a more varied range of music, there has been a move away from a brass bands-only programme in recent years to one that includes light rock, blues, folk and jazz - but, the traditional and ever-popular brass bands still feature.

The 2024 programme will see some old favourites returning as well as the introduction of some new bands, and this summer, for the first time, a steel band will be added into the mix.

The programme will run until Sunday, September 15, with further details of each week’s band to be found on the Town Council’s website and social media.

A previous version of this story said the concerts took place at 2.30pm rather than 2pm.