Worcestershire residents can now recycle their vapes.

Vapes can now be disposed of at your nearest Household Recycling Centres in efforts to decrease the amount that are discarded in black rubbish bins.

Material Focus's research last year discovered that five million vapes are thrown away per week in the UK alone, with only 17 per cent of those surveyed saying they recycle the product.


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The new facilities are available at all of the county's centres, courtesy of waste contractor Severn Waste Services.

Councillor Emma Stokes, Worcestershire County Council’s cabinet member for the environment, said: "Like any other electrical item with a plug, battery or cable, vapes should never be binned and always recycled, but there is a lot of confusion for residents as vapes are labelled and marketed as 'disposable' so they believe that they should go into the black bin once used.

"Not only do they contain materials such as lithium and copper that can be easily recycled, but they can also cause fires in collection vehicles and recycling facilities".

Cllr Stokes praised the initiative, saying: "We are delighted that our waste contractor, Severn Waste Services, are now offering recycling facilities for vapes at all of Worcestershire's Household Recycling Centres and so far they are proving very popular with lots of residents using the vape recycling containers."

Jane Hartill from Severn Waste Services added: "We are always working alongside Worcestershire County Council to provide the most up to date recycling facilities for its residents and we are pleased to be able to offer vape recycling at the county's Household Recycling Centres (HRC's).

"The vapes are then recycled, with the various materials extracted for re-use.

"However, while we can recycle vapes at the HRC’s, we would remind residents not to put them in the general waste or green recycling bins as there is a risk of fire and they can’t be recycled via the kerbside service.”