DESPITE heavy rain and chilly temperatures, most of our members attended the February meeting, receiving a warm welcome.

A short business meeting was followed by an engaging and informative talk about the Dogs Trust by speaker Abby Watson.

It was soon clear that what we knew of the work of the trust, based in Evesham, was a tip of the iceberg.

There is so much more the trust offers.

When owners, for a variety of reasons, are no longer able to look after them, increasing numbers of dogs are taken in, cared for and rehomed.

The premises were extended in 2015 providing excellent accommodation and outside space for exercise and exploration.

Dedicated staff offer the dogs love and attention - and also help for their owners.

It is reassuring for owners to know that in the event of illness or death a trust card will guarantee that their dogs will be looked after.

Abby’s enthusiasm, using visual presentation and video clips, secured our interest. Of course we loved the pictures and stories of the dogs!

The meeting ended, as always, with a raffle, superb refreshments and friendly chat.

Our next meeting is on Thursday, March 14 at 2.30pm at Queenhill WI Hall, Avenue Road, Queenhill, WR8 0QZ.

Roger Tolman will be speaking about the Woodland Trust.

We welcome new members. Do join us.