POLICE have offered reassurances to those concerned after armed police carried out the arrest of a man in a Worcester street. 

A 49-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of assault, threats to kill, rape and possession of an imitation firearm.

Police were called at around 9.55am on Saturday, (February 10), to reports of an assault in Stanley Street, Worcester, before locating the suspect in Lowesmoor and making the arrest. 

There was some concern from residents and videos and pictures of the arrest were posted on social media throughout Saturday.

Malvern Gazette: POLICE: Armed police in LowesmoorPOLICE: Armed police in Lowesmoor (Image: From public)Late on Saturday evening West Mercia Police issued a statement confirming the arrest had taken place. 

Detective Inspector Catherine Taylor said: “I understand people may have been concerned regarding the large police presence in Worcester City Centre.

“I would like to offer my reassurance to the community that this was an isolated incident and we do not believe there was any risk to the wider public.

“A man was swiftly contained and arrested in connection with the incident, and he remains in police custody as further enquiries are carried out.”

Malvern Gazette: ARMED: Police in LowesmoorARMED: Police in Lowesmoor (Image: From public)

In dramatic footage taken by an eyewitness and shared with the Worcester News, an officer is heard shouting "Armed police show me your hands" while guns are pointed.

After shouts of "Get on the floor" police move in with a dog.

Another eyewitness said: "It happened around 10.30am to 11am. 

"There were loads of police - police dogs as well. Armed police were in the street.

"It looked like a man was arrested, he was on the ground.

"It must be serious to have armed police here."