TWO Worcestershire community centres will be taken over by new management next year.

Freedom Leisure will soon be taking over the management of Malvern Vale and Upton Hill Community Centres following approval from Malvern Hills District Council (MHDC).

The centres, which are currently managed by YMCA Worcestershire, will be handed over on February 1, 2024.

Freedom Leisure is one of the UK’s largest charitable and not-for-profit leisure trusts, operating more than 100 venues across England and Wales including Malvern Splash and Sport Dyson Perrins Leisure Centre.

The trust says it will take “a local and bespoke approach to maximise the opportunities and services provided at each centre by working with local communities and partners, as well as delivering specialist Freedom Leisure activities”.

All existing bookings for events and activities at both centres will still be honoured by the YMCA up until January 31. Bookings after this date will be transferred over. 

Current hirers will be contacted in the coming weeks and offered the chance to meet the Freedom Leisure team. Enquiries for future bookings, hire or collaboration will be open via the Freedom Leisure website soon.

At an Executive Committee meeting in November, MHDC approved YMCA Worcestershire’s application to end its management of the centres and to allocate up to £56,000 of council reserves to support operational costs.

Cllr Tom Wells, portfolio holder for community services at MHDC, said: “We look forward to seeing Freedom Leisure’s plans come to fruition and the benefit it will have on the community. The move fits with the council’s vision for wellness in the Malvern Hills and how leisure is essential for community wellbeing, developing relationships, and more.”

Mick York, head of business development at YMCA Worcestershire, said: “We express our heartfelt appreciation for the support received from the community and acknowledge the privilege it has been to contribute to the well-being of these neighbourhoods.”

Rob Tyler, area manager at Freedom Leisure, said: “We look forward to meeting all the existing hirers and community groups, and to explore whether they would like any support to develop and promote the fantastic services they already offer.”

For one-off bookings or block bookings, email or