The rise in energy bills coupled with the cost-of-living crisis worried me - how would people be able to keep themselves warm this winter?

Being surrounded by cosy fabrics and wool in the shop, the idea of making blankets was born.

When I put the call out for people to knit or crochet a five inch square, I anticipated a few kind people would respond. Never did I expect the response received!

Every day, multiple times, people would come in with anything from three squares to 60, in all colours, all weights and all patterns both knitted and crocheted.

The classroom tables literally had hundreds of them - I’m no superwoman and I needed help! I took many home to stitch together myself, but had help from many friends and customers who valiantly crocheted and sewed squares together to form lap blankets (we kept them small, so we could give as many as possible).

Initially I guessed we could make 20 blankets and I was thrilled - the finally tally was more than 80.

The story doesn’t end there - this simple act of kindness has given someone a reason to knit or crochet, it’s relieved boredom, it’s helped with grief, it’s enabled those struggling with heating bills to know that someone cared enough about them, to make a blanket for them.

One young boy asked his grandma if she wouldn’t make him the blanket he was expecting, but he wanted the squares to go to someone who really needed it more.

They are available to take from Upton Baptist Church or here in the shop - please just take, enjoy and tell everyone you can that you live in a really special town.