CONTROVERSIAL plans to build a number of new homes next to Upton Marina have re-emerged.

The application would see 70 homes built on land north of Upton Marina as part of plans by Upton Marina Ltd.

Plans include 33 two-bed, 20 three-bed and 17 four-bed homes and would include a new play area and community orchard on what is currently seven acres of scrubland.

The land allotted for the homes lies within the Environment Agency’s flood zone one – which has a low probability of flooding – compared to Upton Marina and the River Severn sitting in flood zones two and three.

Assessments carried out ahead of the application being put forward said the new homes “would not be at risk of flooding nor exacerbate risk elsewhere.”

A similar plan for 70 homes was rejected by Malvern Hills District Council in 2013 but later allowed to go ahead after the decision was overturned by a government planning inspector.

It was then put forward again and approved in principle by council planners in 2019.

The time allowed to then submit a reserved matters application, which deals with the final layout and style of the homes, ran out which has resulted in the latest application.

The land was earmarked for housing in the South Worcestershire Development Plan (SWDP) in 2016.

A statement included with the application said: “The proposal will deliver a sustainable residential development, creating a high-quality and distinctive environment of appropriate density and scale.

“The applicant has sought to demonstrate through this outline application that the future built form will adopt key urban design principles to ensure that the future community will have a high-quality environment in which to live, including quality design, open space and a mix of tenures available to all members of the community.

“The scheme will also relate well to its surrounding context and not create any significant adverse issues relating to traffic generation nor impact on any existing residential properties.”

You can have your say on the plan by visiting Malvern Hills District Council’s website.

The application number is M/22/00883/OUT and consultation ends on August 19.