DEAR Editor – A recent article in your paper advising of the resurrection of a previously refused application for planning permission, in respect of a care-home in Northwick Road, was confirmed when I received formal notification of this from the Wychavon District Council through my letterbox.

I attach a previous letter of mine, in which I congratulated the campaigners against the original application, on their victory in having it rejected, but warned that their triumph might be short lived.

I cited the approval, on appeal, of the Old Northwick Farm housing development as being a case of where the very valid objections of local residents, through a protracted period of some years, had been overridden.

This housing development is now under way and is far more intrusive than ever envisaged by its neighbours; its construction, which still has a considerable period to run before completion, has proved noisy and messy.

In addition, it has removed a large swathe of green belt pastureland. The location of the proposed care-home is only a few hundred yards from the Old Northwick Farm building site and is accessed by a narrow lane; the disruption and traffic congestion which will result, if approved, will be considerable, while the resulting environmental damage is incalculable.

Government, both national and local, is keen to stress the importance of local democracy.

However, the planning process appears to weigh heavily in favour of developers and pays scant attention to the expressed wishes of the local people.

It makes a mockery of any official claims of promoting local democracy and casts doubt on the neutrality of the planners!

Mick Richards

Claines, Worcester