A FORMER Malvern school student has been recognised in the Queen's New Year Honours.

Alistair Jarvis, who was educated at North Malvern Primary and The Chase, was given a CBE for his services to higher education.

Mr Jarvis is chief executive of Universities UK - the representative body for the UK's universities with 140 members across all four nations the UK.

He was given his honour for his and his organisation's efforts during the Covid pandemic to support universities and students.

During the pandemic, Mr Jarvis and his colleagues at University UK have been working to strategise and help universities confront the challenges thrown up by Covid.

He said: "It is a privilege to support and promote our universities which deliver such a positive impact for individuals, communities and the United Kingdom.

"I am delighted, and it is humbling, to be honoured with a CBE for services to higher education.

"I have had the good fortune to work with many talented people at Universities UK and across the higher education sector.

"I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the fantastic people that have supported me and to acknowledge their impressive work through the challenges of the pandemic."

Mr Jarvis lived in Malvern between 1987 and 1999, studying at the Chase High School and Sixth Form before embarking on his career.

His family is still in Malvern, with his parents, brother and sister all still living in the area.

He was appointed Chief Executive of Universities UK in 2017 and has been a member of the senior management team at UUK since 2013, previously as deputy chief executive and director of external relations.

Before joining UUK, he was a director at the University of Birmingham and has previously held communications, campaigning and political relations roles for national organisations in both the public and private sectors.

In June 2022 he will leave Universities UK to take up a new role as pro vice-chancellor of partnerships and governance at the University of London.

This new role will include developing new strategic partnerships and policies, as well as management of senior staff responsible for communications, development, marketing and governance.