UNFORTUNATELY we live in one of the most nature depleted countries in the world.

In part this is due to our modern lifestyle where we are often cut off from nature where we spend on average 22 hours each day indoors. When we lose that connection with nature, we are less likely to want to take care of it.

However, most of us have managed to get out on foot or bicycle in our local neighbourhoods much more than usual during this really awful pandemic.

This has given us the opportunity to get more in touch with the beauty we have right here on our doorsteps.

Even in the most built up areas of Worcester, if you look at a satellite image, you will be astonished how much lovely nature there is right where we live.

In response to this Worcester Environmental Group have been busy planning a 12-mile Wild about Worcester wildlife corridor that connects many of our lovely green spaces.

This will be a route where both nature and our community can thrive together. We will all have the opportunity to get out with family and friends to connect even more with the beauty we have all around us.

Imagine, for example, lots more trees, edible hedges, native wildflower meadows, bird and bat boxes, hedgehog houses, signage, information boards telling us about our precious environment and our heritage.

We will be delighted to see more birds, bats, butterflies, hedgehogs and many other of our beleaguered native species.

This will also be so good for our physical and mental wellbeing.

Please contact Worcester Environmental Group at info@theweg.org.uk if you have any questions, or would like to help bring this dream to life.