A JOBS event hosted by the council is returning to Malvern.

The jobs match event is run by Malvern Hills District Council and the previous event saw 50 people lined up for their dream role in August.

Tomorrow (September 29) will see the event return to Malvern Library, running from 10am until 4pm.

A range of opportunities, both full-time and placements, will be on offer, including delivery driving, personal care, cleaning, HGV driving, events organisation, the armed forces, NHS and customer service jobs.

To take part in the jobs match event you need to do the following:

Read the list of available job roles on the council website and choose one you are interested in.

Register your interest by filling in the jobs match registration form.

You will be sent details of the specific positions available from employers taking part in the event.

If there is one you are want to apply for then you confirm your interest by email.

You will be sent an interview slot. Interviews will take place virtually or in person at Malvern Library.

For any more information, email christine.butler@malvernhills.gov.uk

After the last event, Cllr Daniel Walton, portfolio holder for economy and tourism, said: "We're delighted with the success of our first job match event and that so many people were able to find work and fill much needed gaps in the district's workforce.

"We look forward to running more of these events in the future."

For more information about the event, go to www.malvernhills.gov.uk/business-support-and-jobs/skills-and-training/apprenticeships-and-training-opportunities#jobs_match