WITH regard to the issue of the Syrian refugees there were some errors in letters of your paper.

Any person who is resettled under this scheme is truly a refugee, legally and in every sense of the word.

They are not economic migrants. They have fled for their lives from the conflict in Syria.

They are selected by UNHCR from refugee camps in one of Syria's neighbouring countries.

This is a UK government scheme. Funding comes from the EU. Not from local government.

They do not choose where they will be sent for resettlement. They arrive as a nuclear family – husband, wife and children.

They do not have the right to invite other relatives to join them. This and similar schemes are successfully in other places in the UK.

Other European countries have agreed to take several thousand refugees, for example, Germany has agreed to take 30,000, Sweden 2,500.

The UK has so far accepted 187 Syrian refugees.

Resettlement gives refugees a life-changing opportunity to start new lives in a safe country.

Sheila Johnson
