IT has been a case of four seasons in one day in Malvern as the town basked in sunshine, faced a hailstorm and has been topped off by a stunning rainbow.

Readers have taken to their Twitter account to post pictures and updates.

Charlotte White, who sent pictures in to Malvern Gazette, said: "There were three bouts [of hail].

"The first started around half 11 slowed then every half hour lasting longer before slowing.

"We've had no hail since 3pm."

Here's a selection:

Forget snowballs, here's Charlotte White's hailballs

Malvern Gazette:

Malvern Gazette:



Pity @Malvern Cops who were left to grab all this equipment in the hailstorm



Four seasons in one day, Rob?





Anyone find a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?





Here comes the rain


Spare a thought for this chap