EVER felt what happens in your community is worthy of a few column inches in your local paper?

Then now is your chance to spread the word about groups, events and general goings in your area through the new-look community news pages of your Malvern Gazette.

We are doubling our weekly coverage from two pages to four pages, meaning you have more room than ever before to tell others what’s happening in your village or community.

Someone who has been doing just that for about 20 years is Meg Allsopp – correspondent for Powick, Callow End, Guarlford and Madresfield, as well as Malvern Churches Together and Friends of Link Nurseries.

She said the community pages were a great way to report everything from WI meetings and fetes to bungee jumps and charity events.

Mrs Allsopp, of Powick, said: “We report on everything really. Powick has a very active village hall and lots of organisations I either hear about or have contact with.

“There are a lot of events I like to go to.

“I think the community news serves a purpose in a sense it keeps people involved and gives an impression of the community spirit.

“It’s very interesting reading other people’s events too.

“I think a lot of people turn to that page first of all, for example, if they’ve missed something or something’s coming up, or if people have been involved in an event and they don’t have any access about how it went.

“I feel I’m serving a purpose – it’s become addictive really. It’s able to reach a lot of people.”

So why not let us know what’s happening in your community? Send your reports and pictures to community@malverngazett e.co.uk or community@ledburyrepor ter.co.uk