IF someone told you that you would be spending a week with your relations then I guess you would have a range of thoughts flying through your minds.

For some it would be will we get on, for others it will be will we have anything in common and for others it will be about trying to be sensitive to differences.

The churches of Malvern have spent the last week doing just this – spending a week with their relations.

Today marks the end of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, a week when the churches of Malvern have spent time together; not just as a family party or gettogether but because this is what He commanded.

Jesus said that his prayer was that we might be one and this is our attempt to make the command into a reality.

Like most things in life it isn’t always totally successful; we will after all be back to spending the week together next year, but at least we are saying we want to be faithful to Jesus’ command.

DAVID NICHOL, Vicar of Holy Trinity Malvern and St James’ West Malvern.