THE committee are standing by their new year’s resolution; to continue improving the fabric of the club and the varied programme of events.

The recent open music evenings with Tyler Massey have proved popular and appeal to all ages.

Anybody that can play an instrument or sing can join us for the next one on Friday, February 1.

Even if you can’t do either, why not come along and enjoy the music and company anyway?

Importantly, our annual meeting is on Friday, January 18 (8.30pm), and all members are invited to attend this important annual club event.

This is an opportunity to have a say in the running of the club or to share any ideas.

We always welcome suggestions and ideas which can improve either the club or events that we hold. To make the evening even more interesting between 7.30pm and 8.30pm… two pints (beer!) will cost just £5.

We look forward to seeing you there.

The ever popular quiz night returns at 8.30pm on Saturday, January 26, £8 for a team of four.

Remember, you needn’t be ex-Services to join.