CRADLEY WI met in November for the annual meeting.

Members welcomed Brenda Drake, WI adviser, to join them for a busy evening.

President Di Cale reminded members of the remaining events in the calendar.

Members can join the lunch club for lunch at the Swan at Newland on Thursday, December 13.

They can also look forward to the annual bowling match with Mathon WI at the Royal British Legion Cradley in February.

Colwall WI has invited members to the pancake lunch in Colwall Village Hall on February 19.

Each year, the annual meeting gives WI committee members the opportunity report to members on our activities. It has been a very busy year The book club is thriving, and has read an interesting selection of books.

The lunch club also has been very active, lunching at Blue Ginger, visiting Tyrell’s Vodka Distillery, Stockton Bury Gardens and an evening trip to the beautiful garden of Megan Taylor.

Members also had a varied programme of speakers.

They learnt about the market towns of Herefordshire, how to research a family tree, and the story of a trip to New Zealand.

They had two demonstrations, learning about luxurious canapés and card making.

Finally, when members elected a new committee for next year, members chose Jan Dampney as new president and thanked Di Cale, retiring president, and the members of the committee for their hard work.

Members meet at Cradley Village Hall on Thursday, when Christopher Graham will talk about meat and joints with a Christmas flavour.