One of the Midlands’ premier singing groups, Colla Voce in Concert, return to St James’s Church on Saturday, November 17, at 7.30pm. Tickets, priced £5, will be available on the door or by phoning 01684 562114.

I’m sure that many of you will have heard that Leapfrogs (West Malvern pre-school) is due to close at Christmas due changes in funding. People don’t want to see this service lost and discussions are now taking place about the group being taken on as a business venture.

However, they do need to know people’s views and what demand there is for such a facility.

Please contact Rosie Dakin on 07814 923087 or via e-mail at about the type of service that would suit you and your children.

It is hoped that planting the Community Orchard, the field below St James’s churchyard, will start this autumn. If you would like to get involved and help with the tree-planting, please ring David on 567328.

Anyone who has not yet booked a table for the Christmas market at the village hall on December 1 should contact Chan on 568474 or chananddrob

ANGIE CANTRELL 01684 572764