THE vice-president, Mary, opened the meeting and welcomed all those members present, following which everyone sang Jerusalem.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read out, agreed and signed by the vice-president. Various notices were read out.

The treasurer, Anne, informed those members present, that she would be resigning at the end of December. Mary thanked Anne for all her hard work and commended her on her excellent work as treasurer.

Mary welcomed Jill, the speaker for the afternoon, who talked about life in a vicarage without being a vicar or vicar’s wife. She explained that previously she had been a nurse and along with her husband and three children, had moved into a small village.

She has written two books on her life in the vicarage and now has returned to the National Health Service, looking at ways of helping people with terminal illness and setting up the Kissing it Better team.

After a very entertaining talk, everyone enjoyed a very tasty tea.