
  • Junior Rugby

    Droitwich u15s 17, Malvern u15s 17. MALVERN u15s returned to Droitwich to play a friendly fixture following a disappointing result the previous week and made amends with a hard-fought draw. Droitwich kicked off but Malvern secured the ball and,

  • Housing plan to be decided

    A PLAN for 11 new houses at Hayslan Road, Malvern, is coming before Malvern Hills District Council's southern area development control committee on Wednesday, December 15. The application, by Edgeworth Estates Ltd, had drawn eight objections from local

  • Ledbury grab top team prize

    A SQUAD from Ledbury took the top club title by more than 40 points in their second event of the season at the Hereford open meet. With new head coach Chris Treanor, in place for nine weeks, it was the first chance to see how the new training regime

  • Sports club granted lease on playing field

    MALVERN Hills District Council has backed a controversial plan to lease out the Sling Lane playing fields to a local junior football club. The plan will see Newtown Sports Junior Football Club being granted a 25-year lease to the fields, despite it

  • Belters close gap to three points with win

    IN Division One of the Paperstation Malvern League, Broadheath Belters moved within three points of leaders Manor Park Cavaliers following a comfortable 10-0 win over the Scuttling Gang. Michael Siket and Brett Brining both won their singles in straight

  • Giving new life to woodlands

    AN old woodland in West Malvern is being restored through the ancient art of forest management known as coppicing. Park Wood belongs to the Malvern Hills Conservators and in their efforts to restore the old hazel wood while encouraging a diversity of

  • Today's events

    Sunday Quiz Night at The Wyche Inn, Wyche Road, Malvern. 8.30pm. £1 per person teams of up to four. Country Western Partner Dancing with Teme Valley Western Dancers at Whitbourne Village Hall. 6.30pm. 01886 821772. Dr Who Exhibition at Time Machine