IF there are any budding female writers in the village, the next meeting of the WI should give them a few tips.

The subject of the meeting on Thursday, February 14, is How to Publish a Book.

The meeting will start, as usual, at 7.30pm and will be held at St James’ School.

The deadline for copy for the next The Hills Echo is Friday, February 15, and should be sent to Peter Goodbury.

As I’m sure many of you will be aware, David and Sue Matthews were involved in a car accident before Christmas, and Peter has temporarily taken over production of the village magazine until David feels fit enough to take up the reins again.

Any information, adverts etc should therefore be sent to him by e-mail to goodbury@btopenworld.com or telephone 01684 563868.

Those people who use the mobile library should be aware that it now only has one stop in the village.

This is in Park Road opposite Rosedale – on the track leading to Adelaide House.

It will be there on Tuesday between 9.50am and 10.20am.

We should all perhaps remember the old adage, use it or lose it – it is a valuable service to many village residents and in this time of cutbacks we don’t want to lose it altogether.

All those who want to keep up to date with parish matters should be reminded that there is a Parish Council meeting on Monday at the village hall at 7.30pm.

ANGIE CANTRELL 01684 572764